Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

New Orleans January 2Jsl. 1836. l have Lhis day received of the Commissioners of Texas, the sum of lwo hundred dollars in cash, and a letter of credit of which the above js a copy, for lhc sum of twenty thousand dollars, for which l am lo account to the Government of Texas, agreeable to Lhe foregoing leller of instructions from said Commissioners. A J. Yales [1870) [13ARRETT, et al, to ROBINSON I Council 1-IaU, January 21st 1836 We arc of opinion that compromising measures should be pursued as far as possible, in the unfortunate misunderstanding between the General council and, Governor Smith-To that end, we advise tltat all the records, public correspondence, & other documents properly belonging to the office of the Executive Secretary, wherein all citizens of Texas have a common property, should Le so placed that they shall be secure, and accessable to all-and thal the council having been under Lhc necessity as they believe, of pursuing Lhc course of suspending Govr Smith, in self defence, and for the preservation of the righ ls and dignity of the people, whom they represent, are nevertheless, freely disposed lo give any opportunity of vindication to all the parties, in the unhappy controversy, & by no means to withold any advantages from him, or any evidences, he may require, in justification of himself. We advise that all the papers &c as aforesaid, may be placed in the hands of the late Secretary of the executive, under either of two propositions following-To continue to act, under the present arrangement, or the Provisional Govt or 2d To hold Lhe papers accessible lo the Secretary pro Lem of the executive, where all fu lure powers and all excculive documenls shall continue to be deposited-subject to the rules & rights of aH public officers of lhc people- In conclusion, while we so deeply regret, the present disharmonizing feelings, among Lhe members and departments of the Provisional governmenl,-wc would rcjoit:c if any l,011orablc and consistent plans could be devised, for the restoration of that eonfidcnt:l\ so unhappily s11spcnd1'.d, and a re-union of principle~~


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