(1393] [FRASER to POWER]
In the Prison of Goliad December 6th 1835
Dear Sir
I arrived heir three Days ago about four past Meridan I stopl at Welt.son put up my Hors and went in the House And Delivered my papers & Letters in a About a two Hour after a Sarganl of the Ganl and Ten Men came in the House and Demanded the papers that I brought I told them that left them with Mr Bennet excepting one that gave Leven they asked ware Leving was I told them J did not know I then went lo Tyley lo gel my Tea I had no more than set down before I was Arrested by Six Men and Sarganl who refused even lo let me earl my meal they took me to prison and on my Arrival their I found Bennet a Prisener I have asked what I have been pul in Heir for-but all the Satisfaction that I can get is that I should have givan him the papers first-He has taken all your fathers in Laws Horses Marten has not Recevced your Letters yet from !\fr Malone else he would write you I Remain your Ob H S Hugh Fraser [addressed:] James Powers Esq. St. Phillip de Austin (1394] [HOUSTON to SMITH]
Head Quarters Texas San Felipe de Austin Dec 6, 1835.
To His Excellency Henry Smith Governor of Texas:
Sir, I have the honor respectfully to call your allenlion to the Subject of a speedy organization of the regular army. The organic Law has provided for the immediate riasing of such force, and the General Council has said what corps shall compose the same. It is required of me lo raise the Regular Army without delay. I feel the responsibility of my Situation al a time when every efforl should be exerted and means used for the accomplishment of an object so necessary lo the defence & happiness and I apprehend, the Salvation of Texas. 1 must remain under the conviction, however, that all essential power is withheld from me to meet the requisi lions of the Organic Law.
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