[1389) [LEWIS to COUNCIL]
To the Council of Texas-
The undersigned, for himself & the balance of the owners of the Schooner William Robbins, of ahout 80 Tons burlhen, which is now al sea, & protecting the coast of Texas, respectfully solicits letters of mark & reprisal for the Same, & a blank commission, for !,Orne person to command her, which blank to be filled either by the owners, or the committee of safty of the town of Matagorda, where said vessel belongs-
J. R. Lewis
San Felipe de Austin Deer. 5th 1835 [on verso:]
The title of the within named Schooner William Robbins is in the name of Col. Charles Howard of Matagorda in Trust for the owners, who are-Messrs. Howard & Fluery-Mess. Horton & Clements-S. B. Brigham & Co. S. Rhoads Fisher 1. E. Robertson, Capts. Wheelright & I. R. Lewis. Tis under their control as private property- 1. R. Lewis San Felipe de Austin Deer. 5. 1835 [1390) [BURLESON and MILAM to PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT]
Camp before Bexar [December 6, 1835]
To The President of The Provisional Governt- . Yesterday Morning at day light or rather some twenty minutes before Colo Milam with a party of about 300 volunteers made an assault upon the Town of Bexar, his party he divided into two divisions, which on entering into the Town took possession of two houses near each Other, near the plasa, where they have been ever since, Battling with the enemy, they have so far had a fierce contest the enemy offering a strong and obstinate resistance it is difficult to determine what injuries has been done him, many killed Certainly, but how many cannot be told, on our side then or twelve woulded two killed, the houses occupied hy us commands some of the Cannon in the place, or have silenced them in tircly, as it is reported lo us, the Issue is dotihtful of course-Ugarlehcar is on the way with considerable rci11forccmc11ls, how near exactly,
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