(1388) [HOUSTON lo TURNER]
Head Quarters Texas San Felipe de Austin 5Lh Deer 1835
Copy: Sir
You will forthwith proceed on the Recruiting Service for the army of Texas and raise as many men for two years or during the war as you can possibly Their pay Rations and Cloalhing will be Lhe same that was Established by the U. States during the war with England and the Land bounty six hundred and forty acres boonas persons join the Service of Texas they become Citizens and are entilled to all the benefits of our laws as such l require you with all the Recruits which you may be enabled to procure lo report to the Commander in Chief of the Army by the 25th day of Feb Next or Earlier if Possible. The services of at least 3,500 volunteers will be accepted for during the war and the Bounty of Land given &c. If for a less time they will be accepted and placed on the same footing with the Permanent volunteers except the Bounty of Land and those for twelve months are to Receive 320 acres. By the 25th of Feb. I hope to open the Campaign and with it to End the war and redeem Texas from its Enemies you will advise that all forces designed for Texas associate as emigrants and do let out for Head Quarters of the army.
I have the Honor to be Yr. obt. Servt. Sam Houston Comd in Chief of the forces of Texas a true coppy by A. Huston Qr ~laster Gen! of the Army of Texas
To Amasa Turner 1st Lieut Infantry Regt Army of Texas
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