much better delayed? Permit me lo beg of you a suspension of all other business, until our Foreign Agents are dispatched. I would further suggest lo your body the propriety of passing a bill, authorising the Executive lo issue his proclamation, calling upon the differenl Jurisdictions, to send Delegates to a new Convention, lo meet in conformity with the Organic Law, and the elections lo be as soon as practicable, and that the Members be clothed with plenary powers, and that in forming the bill, you apportion the Representatives as nearly as possible, on the principles of equality. The proceedings of our former Convention have not yet appeared before the public. A circumstance well ad n justly calculated lo bring down upon us the public censure and odium of the whole community. The Committee charged with that trust, by the Convention, justJy merits reprehension, and a vote of public censure for the neglect and contumely with which they have treated the public confidence. With sentiments, Of the highest respect, &c., &c., I am Gentlemen,
Your obedienlservan t, Henry Smith, Governor.
December 4sl, 1835.
[ 1387) [HOUSTON lo the PUBLIC]
San Felipe de Austin, December 5, 1835.
To The Public:
I regret to learn that a report is on the road between this place and Nacogdoches, lo the effect that there is no need of troops in the army al this time. Troops are and will be wanted at San Antonio, and on the frontiers, until the army can be filled, so as lo open the campaign al the earliest day possible.... I hope San Antonio is already taken. If so volunteers will be needed lo keep it; as also to strengthen La Bahia. ll will be well for the men lo bring clothing with them. I was also reported that provisions were not plenty in camp. This may have been true; bul there are large quantilies in the vicinity of San Antonio, of which our army has the control. Sam Houston
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