Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

regular discipline & Lhe "rules & articles" of War. A mob can do wonders in a sudden burst of patriotism or of passion, bul cannot be depended on, as soldiers for a campaign- A storm is impending over us-The Lime Lhal is "to try men's souls" is yel lo come-The energies & resources of Texas should be developed & brought inlo immediate action-It is no small maller to bring an efficient army inlo Lhe field-Therefore I hope that Lhe wisdom & patriotism of your honorable body will be exerted to place the country in the best possible situation for defence against an enemy of superior numbers, as soon as possible- I have every confidence that the Governor & council of Texas will, meel lhe expectations of the country- ! have the honor frankly to assure you of the highest consideration & respect.

your obt Sevt &c Wm. Barret Travis

[1383) [AUSTIN Lo PERRY]

Deer. 4 1835

Dr Brother:

I think I shall leave in four days for your house my health is not good- shall slarl to Orleans as soon as possible- Enquire so as to lel me know when and whal kind of vessell there is. S. F. Austin [Addressed:] J. F. Perry Peach point [1384] [HOUSTON Lo COUNCIL] Headquarters Texas, San Felipe de Austin, 4th Dec. 1835. To the Honorable the President & Members of Lhe General Council: Gent..lemen I have the honor very respectfully to call your attention lo the first article of the organic Law of Texas which provides for a military force for the defence of Texas, to wit: "There shall be a regular army for the Protection of Texas, during Lhe Present war the Provisional Government will at once perceive the impracticability of my discharging the duties devolving upon


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