Resolved. That This meeting Appoint suitable persons to proceed to the Council of Texas with a Copy of The Said 14th ordinance and Instructions to said Three Comissions and Explain To Said Council our understanding of them anc!_ the reasons for the present advice lo the officers of our Municipality and Lo request of said Council In order to preserve the peace and union of all Texas Lhal no allempl be made to Remove the public Archives of any of the officers of the department to another at this Critical Moment. When any division among Ourselves Might prove dangerous to the Common Cause As the Only wish of this Meeting is to Harmonize all parts of Texas and that the Interests of our Citizens should be protected Resolved Thal the Chairman of this Meeting and W. G. Logan J 1-1 Raguel Be a Comitte to Select suitable persons lo proceed to lay these resoltuions and the wishes of this comunity before the Govenor & council Resolved. That this Meeting Adjour- a true copy from the minutes
Haden Edwards Chmn.
Nacogdoches Texas Novr. 27th 1835
The understanding of this meetingin relation lo the above, resolutions is founded upon the 14th Article of the ordinances alone, No other having been published'as yet lo this community A copy from the minutes signed W K English Secy Haden Edwards Chmn. (13131 [PERRY et al to PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT]
To the Provisional Government of Texas
The undersigned petitioners would respectfully represent to you that the sea coast of Texas is in a totally defenceless and unprotected slate and the commerce of the country, as well as the lives and property of the people upon the sea coast is at the mercy of the enemy. To remedy this evil we would suggest to you the '" expediency of building forts al the east end of Galveston Island, al ~ the mouth of the Brazos, and at the entrance of Matagorda ~ 1 tff) 11
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