the use of the company under my command, @ $30.00/100 per head, 9 animals; amounting to S270.00/100-and have drawn upon the Treasurer of Texas, for the amount. So great is my neces.c;ity for riding animals at this moment, that, I have obligated myself to pay this amount to Mr. Jervet, out of my private funds on his return, in case my draft in his favour is protested by the Government I am, Sir, With sentiments of high consideration, your very Respectfully
P. Dimitt Comdg.
Fort of Goliad Dec. 3d 1835
P.S. Copy of the Draft To the Treasurer of the State of Texas Sir,
Please pay to the order of Juan Jervet, Two Hundred and
Seventy Dollars, on the public account, and oblige, Sir, Fort of Goliad
Yours Respectfully
P. Dimitt
Dec 3d 1835
[ 13791 [MEXIA to VIESCA]
Brasos Bar, Dec.3, 1835.
His Excellency Augustin Viesca.
1. My Dear Friend-After a very fatiguing voyage of eight days, from Tampico Bar, I have arrived here. The fatigues, and my engagements, preclude, al present, my entering into the details of my expedition against Tampico. Suffice it to tell you, that on my entering that port I was ship-wrecked at the distance of 500 varas from the fort; and that the garrison thereof, far from molesting me joined my command; after which I took up my line of march upon the city,· which I attacked, and which I have not succeeded in taking, in consequence of my muntions having all got wet; and because I had but eight cartridges lo a man, that were useful; and aJ though I have taken from the enemy two cannon and the Custom House, I found myself in the situation of being unable lo continue my attack upon the buildings in which they fortified themselves, and was compelled lo retreat to the fort at 5 o'clock A.M. I remained there 12 days, saving from the wreck of my vessel all that could be useful to me, but the most important articles were wanting, which were provisions and munitions of war, and th
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