Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

wa8 unanimously adopted-On motion of Mr. J. K. Allen and seconded that sundry Resolutions from Col. W. G. Logan Be severally Read and Received as an E.xpression of the Opinion of this meeting which were severally Read and unanimosly adopted- The Resolutions of the Meeting Whereas the Consultation of Texas Under the 14 Article of their resolutions for the organization of the provincional Govt. did Apoinl three Commissioners lo Lake Charge of the documents in the various Land Offices in this municipality and Receipt lo the comisioners Under whose charge the said documents now are for the same and as only One of the Said Three comisioners has appeared To execute said Resolution of the Convention-Be it Resolved Thal in the Opinion of this meeting the Land Commissioners are not authorised By the said Resolutions to Take the receipt of Less than the whole number of the Three Commissioners Appointed. Resolved That as Required by said 14th Article of the resolutions of said Consultation all Surveyors Commissioners and persons lnlerested have ceased to make further locations of Land in this department. And as said Resolutions require no further Suspension On the part of the Land Comisioners-Until Applied to by the three Commissioners Appointed under Said 14th Article-That the Land commissioners Be requested Lo proceed with their unfinished business until further advised By said Constitution Resolved. That in the opinion of this meeting there is nothing in the said 14th Article of the said Resolutions of the Consultalion Requiring the primary Judges or Alcald~rs of this · department lo cease discharging the usual functions of their offices-And that they be requested by this meeting to Proceed as usual until further advised by the Consultation- Resolved That in the Opinion of this meeting the Commissioners Appointed Under the said 14th Article of the Resolutions of the Consultation no authority from Said Resolutions lo demand or lake Charge of the archives of the Political Chief of this department. And in asmuch as the Consultation has not informed the said Political Chief how his archieves arc Lo b1! Lransmill1~cl lo the Governor & Council that he he requested to hold them under his Charges until Further advised by the Said Council.-

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