Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

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[1372) [PAJES to COUNCIL] To The Honourable the Council of the Provisional Government of Texas Your humble petitioner respect-fully shews That, haveing purchased a drove of Horses with the intention of driving them to the United States of the North and proceded on his way as far as the crossing at Nueses River at which point the Military Comadant ordered him to stop & would not let him procede any further being under heavey expences and considerabley indebted to his hirelings he sent to Goliad to endeavor to obtain money to pay of his debts and made known his situation to the Comander of the latter place who gave him for answer that he could not assist him only that if he could get over on this side of the Nuesas River he would be protected in person & property, unclerlhose circumstances he remained until the Garrison of Lepanticlan was taken by the collonists when he embraced his liberty to pass on his rout and get a passport from John J. Linn and also asurances of Protection from the Americans, but when al the St Antonio River I had my Horses taken from me by an order of Capt Dimitt contrary lo my will and valued al less than they originally cost he only giveing me the accompaning document in payment which amount I hope that the council of the people will pay me as I am entirely out of funds, and unable to procede lo New Orleans my place of residence, although the amount is considerabley less than the .acluel cost I will be for ever thankful for the liquidation of this claim trusting to the particular situation of the petitioner he refrains from any further observation and Remain their Truly Humble Servant At Felipe de Austin Bartolome Pajes Deer 2 1835 Fortress of Goliad Nov. 18th 1835 Pressed into the public service, in pursuance of my order, Fifty one horses, or riding animals; the same being part of a caballade, on the way from the interior to this country to the United States of the north, and said to belong lo one Bartolome Pajes; thirty one of which, were taken for the use of the New OrlP-ans, "Volunteer Greys;" _the balance were retained for the use

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