Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3




originated in the interior of the country, in a contest for power, and there it belongs; and we owe it both to ourselves and the enemy, lo carry it home. Let them have the war, and let us pu l them in a way to fight its battles. We can then remain a party to it, or withdraw, al pleasure, with honor enough, and with a well-earned, enviable repu talion. You will please urge this subject, on the considera Lion of the Governor and Council . wilh zeal, force, and untiring perseverance.

! I I I I I I I I ! I

Yours respectfully, P. Dimitt Commandant


( 1370] [GRITTEN to Sl\'IITH]

,I i J i i

Gonzales Dec. 2, 1835

His Exey Henry Smith Governor of Texas S. F. de Austin Dr Sir,

I had the honor lo address you on the 28th Novr last and had I [lorn] to report having since then drawn on [torn] Messrs Dennis & Miller for $289.40 & $78.90 respectively the former sum is at sight as requested by Mr D. the latter is al 15 dys. A waggon has left for the Army with supplies, and I am very anxious for more lo come in, to forward particularly in the articles of Sugar, Coffee and Clothing. Every assistance had been given to the Volunteers proceeding to join the Army by furnishing them with Beasts provisions & Meal sufficient for extra [torn] must be ground al the mill [torn] oul of repair and needs consideration & careful attention [torn] succeed in grinding [torn] a small quantity r request your Excellency to honor me [with] your communications for my government and remain, very respectfully

'Your mo obt hum Servant In the absence of Capt Caldwell Edward Gritten

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