defence, nor should I have the means of making a safe relreal. This is a sketch of our situation. The eye of every one is now turned on the Gov. & Council for supplies of subsistence, of amunition, &c. &c. I have the honor lo forward you herewith, copies of two papers from Matamoros, taken by C:apl Turner, San Patricio, from a Courier of the enemy, &c recd here last evening, by express. One of them is a printed of the enemy, announcing the arrival, landing, occupation of the caslle of Tampico, (a ballle, &c) by Gen. Mexia, with 200 men from the U Stales. The other is a letter from the late commander of the garrison al Le Panteclan, lo the wife of one 0 'Dougher'ty, residing in San Patricio The husband of this woman, is known lo have been the leader of the Irish Parlozans of Centralism in this town-and his wife, is said lo lead him, & legislate for all. I enclose also, a copy of a letter from Capln Turner, containing information of the present state of affairs there. Two gentlemen, Cayetano Moro, & Juan Jervet-the former, recently attachd lo the corps of Engineers in Gen. Felisola's division; the latter a Merchant of Matamoros, as they respectively report themselves, arrived at this post, direct from Mier, on the Grand River, day before yesterday. Both appear to be gentlemen of respectability, & warmly attached to liberal principles. The first named claims Italy, the second France, as the places of their respective nativity. They state, that, 14 days ago, there were 750 men in Loredo, bound for Tejas, and waiting there for the arrival of 830,000, then on the way from Matamoros for Bexar, under an escort of 50 men, and that, as soon as these should arrive, all were to take up the line of march for Bexar. In case this force should visit Goliad in their way to Bexar, or rather make a feint on that, and actually move on this, unless reinforced in the mean time, we shall be too few in number to do more than sell our selves for as many of the enemy as we can, without even a prospect of repulsing his attack, and compelling him lo retire.
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Yours very Respectfully P Dimitt Comg
Fort of Goliad Dec. 2d. 1835
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