Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Beaumont Deer 2nd 1835

Major Henry Millard Sir

Having of late cast our eyes on some of the public prints of the norlh, lo my great astonishment I there discovered a scheme in conlemplalion which appears to be in rapid progression, which if suffered lo be indulged in by the existing authorities of Texas will greatly tend lo impede the so much desired emigration from the southern and western slates-It appear Sir, that the Abolition society are attempting through their agents to procure large possession of lands in Texas for the express purpose of transmitting the free black population and other men of color that cannot remain in the United States, which if suffered lo be carried into effect will virtually tend to harrass the honest and well disposed part of the community by their repeated acts of wantonness and cruelty-further, it will have a direct effect on those persons holding Slaves within Texas, as they will at all limes be using Lheir influence with the slaves to absent themselves from their legal owners, with a variety of other acts of wantoncss too tedious to mention at this time. Therefore taking into consideration the present and future pr'?sperity of the colonist in Texas as well as the honest and weU disposed part of the emigration that in all human probability will emigrate to Texas in order to secure the peace and tranquility of the slave property We earnestly recommend that you bring before the Council a bill prohibiting all black free persons or persons whatsoever from emigrating lo Texas or residing within its limits under any pretext whatsoever.

Sarni Rogers Cha Chas. C P Welch Joseph P. Pulsifer


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