Y tcngo el honor de trasladarlo a V. E. para que sc sirva
acordar lo convenientc.
Dios y Libcrtad Mejico lo. Diciembre de 1835.
Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio
E. Sor. Srio. de! Dcspacho de la Guerra
Deer. 1st 1835
To the Govr. & council of Texas
The undersigned being desirous of serving the country in the present emergency, and believeing from his experience in Naval service, he could render more effectual service at sea than elsewhere, has already apprised the government of Texas through a member of their honorable body of his readiness to serve them whenever they can procure an armed ship- in the mean Lime he solicits of the Govt. & council a commission with letter of marque to cruise on the coast of the enemy- Very resptly Yr. obt. Svt Robt Potter
[1363] [SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:
Gentlemen-I herewith transmit for your information, intelligence just received from our army al head quarters, near Bexar. The truly gratifying intelligence from our brave patriotic citizen soldiers, comports well with their true character, and deserves from us the highest praise and commendation, both as officers and men, who were engaged in the unequal contest. I would therefore recommend lo your Honorable body the propriety of tendering to the worthy heroes, engaged in the late action, a vote of thanks and commendation for their laudable and meritorious conduct on that occasion and also to the whole army for their indefatigable perseverance, in which you will please join the heartfell gratitude of your Exe~utive, and encourage the heroic band never lo cease their prudent operations, so long as the
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