Gonzales Isl December 1835
Colonel D. C. Barrett Austin Dear Friend,
The foregoing is a faithful translation of a note addressed lo Cos (at the request of Butler as appears from its context) by a person residing at .Matamoros, supposed to be Don ----- GonzaJes, formerly a clerk to Rubio, a rich old Spanish merchanl of San Luis Potosi. G. is an American citizen, altho a nalive of Spain,,.... and understands english well: to assume citizenship he is indebted for exemption from expulsion at the time the old spaniards were sent out of this country. His present conduct in leaguing with Butler to the prejudice of his adopted countrymen is therefore blamable for he certainly might have preserved a respectable neutrnlity. On passing through the Colonies B. strongly advised them to proclaim their independence, and it is stated by many that he wished lo make it appear that he was the bearer of proposals for the purchase of Texas. It is probable that Butler is inlerested, publicly or privately, in procuring the alienation of this part of the country and consequently he holds out to the mcxicans the of the Colonies, and on theother hand induces these to throw difficulties, by their proclamation of independence, in the way of an adjuslmenl which may defeat his plans, whilst he embraces the opportunity of recklessly glorifying his animosity towards persecuted Austin & Gritten. I am surprised that B. was permitted at San Felipe to see the public correspondence. False- hoods & calumnies are evidenl in the document which may be termed "Butler's note of information for General Cos," and \\;hilst such conduct is unworthy of a public minister, il characterises that of a spy upon the americans and of an informer lo the mexicans. Please have said note published with editorial remarks lo serve as a guide to Texas in its judgment of men, and pray please to have lhe paper. B. used to declaim when here again that "sending of lwo such Commissioners as Barrett & Gritten!" I am anxious to hear from you and trust you have recd my last letter by Capt. Hotchkiss. Austin & Pettus recp1eslcd me lo assist in sending on supplies to the Army which T am now doin~, but, when lhat operation ceases, 1 shall prep'arc to move. and should have done so before, but for the delay of Mariano who I learn had been obliged to go to San Felipe. I wish you would do me the favor
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