Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

Gt.'ntlemen, with whom I have served, & who I believe lo be entitled to your especial notice-to wit I. N. Moreland-R. J. Calder-A. H. Jones-Sarni. Williams A Larrison & T. F. L. Parrol- ~lessrs. Parrot, Williams & Jones, have as much, and probably more experience as Artillerists than any I can name lo you, who have not recd. your notice already Permit me lo say, that they possess in a pre-eminent degree the firs! requisite-they are Soldiers. Allow me also to name to you in an especial manner, my friend Maj J. B. Bonham, just arrived from the U slates & who enters warmly into the good cause-The Artillery is also his favou rile corps. Excuse, Gentn this perhaps unnecessary intrusion, but believe it intended for good & oblige J. W. Fannin Jr San Felipe 31 [sic] N ovr 1835

(1357] (GRANT to HOUSTON]

In Camp near Bexar December 1st 1835

Gen Sam Houston Dr Sir

I have been for a long time expecting to hear from you, or to have the pleasure of seeing you in camp, but it seems you will not come untill all the men that are hear have left, for the want of some one lo command. This army cannot stand much longer under the presant circumstances and if we are oblidged to retreat from this place I am afrade it will have a very bad afeel and give the Mexicans much confidence. We have plenty of men to take it if they had any faith in there comanders hut all confidence is lost. I want you lo write to me as soon as possable and remember the apoinlment that you promised to me which is now in your power to give me. I am willing lo serve in any capassity that you think would be beneficial lo the cuntry.



Yours most respectfully James Grant


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