army, and have already Commissioned most of the officers lo a~ume the Command; as brave men, I readily granl, as I ever hope to see, but themselves entirely undiciplind My Experience has convinced me, thal not less Lhan six months of the strictest squad drill will make a reasonably fair soldier-much less an efficient officer-I do nol hope, nor is it all necessary that either the officers or men, be able lo perform lo a fraction, all the manulii, of their respective stations-But a reasonable portion shd. be required, when acinowledgecl lo be essential, and can be procured If an army then be al all requisite, it shd. be large enough lo answer the purpose of ils creation-Then to make it answer Lhe purposes designed, give it all the vigour you can impart, and leave the ballancc lo the God of ballles and justice of your Cause, and the result will prove most glorious-Econemy is a most precious gem, and I hope to see engrafled inlo our Government, a practical system of political econemy, often spoken of, but loo seldom acted upon-I would most respectfully ask of you, if it would nol be far preferable lo end the war in one well directed & vigerous Campaign, al an expense of Sl00,000, than lo protract it, with all its horrors & uncertainties, Lhru years, with only the cost of $50,000 No man of sense & reflection, can hesitate a moment, which of the two lo choose-Nay, I am strongly induced lo believe, that it would be preferable to lo pay "Five Hundred thousand Dollars $500,000 and thus end the war in one year, rather than be engaged in war & strife at Home, without the cost of one Cent, the term of three years- The case appears lo me so very plain, thal I cannot doubt, but you will see it in the same light-With this conviction, I will proceed lo the main object- By Virtue of your Delegated powers & exegency of the case, increase the "Regular army," to another Brigade of like numbers with the one already ordered-As a maller of course, one Brigr. Genl. must be appointed. to each Brigade- Give lo one of those officers, or some suitable Agenl, Lhe authority lo nominate to the Appointing authorities mosl if not all of the officers- say at least Captains & field officers-The reasons why I make this suggestion, is that I have had tendered to me, for the service of Texas, several of the finest, mosl intelligent & accomplished young officers, now in the U Stales army; all of
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