weakness and inlesline divisions. Let him Lhen consider Lhe opposile characler of Lhe American sclllers-brave, hardy, enlerprising riflemen-let him view their locality-havirig an easy communicalion with the Uniled States, both by land and sea, but separated from the Mexican Interior, on one side by an ocean, through which their invaders have nol a navy sufficient to transporl Lroops and supplies, and an immense deserl on the olher, Lhrough which il would be impossible to subsisl an army-let him recollect that if any considerable force should reach Texas, by eilher of these routes, that it would be impossible to sustain it at such a distance from their own resources, in a new and hostile country, whose principal means of defence would be to cul off supplies, harass in detail, and never give battle except when sure of victory. Let him then calculate the thousands of brave volunteers that will be with them from the United States, and he will see that there can be but one result-success and independence, and thal the contest will only Lerminate when every hoslile Mexican shall have been driven out of the limits of Texas, and the "SLar Spangled Banner" of our beloved country-the bright beacon of hope to the politically benighted in every nation-shall wave in peaceful triumph from the Sabine to Lhe Rio Bravo-nay, that indignant and successful freemen, may not pause even at that point, but march on until they place the eagles of freedom even on the glittering domes of Mexico, hurl the usurper himself from the throne of Montezuma, make regenerated .Mexico, (what it would now be but for priestcraft and tyranny) the fairest portion of the earth,- "the land of the free and the home of the brave." By order and in behalf of the meeting. Geo. C. Childress, Com. Wm. K. Hill.
[Novcmber, 1835] At a meeting of the Citizens of Sabine District according to appointment at their adjournment 21st Novr. all the members of th~ Comn:iittcc being being present. James Gaines Esq. having resigned his scat as chairman (for the Army) & Seaborn Roberson
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