1h58. Writings of S11m Houston. IV. 14. lh.'i 1 l. Army Papi>rs. Tx. Eaton is William Eaton. I hh0. C. B. Sti>\\·art Papi>rs. Tx U-A. I (i(,I. Comptrolli>rs Letti>rs. Tx. Sec #1635. lhh:?. :\. J. Hou:-ton Papers. Tx.
I hh:t Comptrolh•rs Letters. Tx. 111e addressee is Angelina Bi>llc Peyton. widow of Jonathnn C. PP,·ton. who Inter became famous in the Archives War as the wife of J lll'Oh Ebi>rh:. lhh4. A. J. Houston i>npers. Tx. lhh5. \\'infri>y. /ndiun Pi1pers of Texas. l. 12-13. See #1640. I h6h. Ooml'stic Correspondence. Tx. 1(1(,7. Dublnn nnd Lozano. Legislacion Mexic11na, I II. 114. See Streeter. A Bibliog• rap/1y of Texas. #836. 1668. Santa Anna. Manifiesto que de Sus Operaciones en las Campana de Tejas. #5. Translntion from Castaneda. The J\1exican Side of the Texas Re11olution, 55-.'>6. }6(19. A. J. Houston Pnpers. Tx. I h70. :'lot locatrd. i\lentioned in Lord. A Time to Stand. 188. I h7 I. Comptrollers Military Ser\'ice Records. Tx. lh72. D. C. Burrell Papers. TxU-A. 1673. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1674. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 16 7 5. Lamar P11pers. I. 27 4. 1676. Santa Anna. Manifiesto que de Sus Operaciones en la Campana de Tejas. #3. Translation from Castaneda, The Mexican Side of the Texas Revolution, 52. 1677. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1678. Brown. History of Texas. I, 437-38. 168.'i. Telegraph and Texas Register, September 2, 1837. I 686. William A. Philpott. Jr.• Collection. Dallas, Texas. 1687. United States and Mexico . .. IWash.• 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.• H.E.D. 351, 18381. 165. I 688. Consultntion Papers. Tx. I 689. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XIII, 129. I690. D. C. Bnrrett Papers. Tx. I 691. Proceedings of the General Council, 175. 1692. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1693. Army Papers. Tx. The writer is not to be confused with Samuel May Williams. Barmett is Thomas Barnet and Carr is Peter Kerr. I 694. Proceedings of the General Council, 186. 1<19.'i. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. I(196. Land Office Papers. Tx. Cordaway is Piacente Cordova. and "the Governor" refers to A1,'llstin Viesca. I(197. Consultation Papers. Tx. I(198. Copy in Consultation Papers. Tx. I(199. Comptrollers Letters. Tx. 1700. !\ot located. Mentioned in Santa Anna to Filisola, January 8. 1836. 1701. The Texas Republican fBrazorial, March 9, 1836. 1702. Lamar Papers, I. 28i-92. 170:t Charles S. Taylor Selected Papers. R. B. Blake Typescripts, XXVI, 89. 'I\ t,;.,\. 1704. Stute Department Record Books. Tx. 16 79. Lamar Papers. l. 2i 4- 75. 1680. L11mar Papers, I. 248-51. 1681. Lamar Papers, I. 2ii-78. 1682. M. B. Lnmar Papers. Tx. 1683. Copy in Sam Houston Papers. TxU-A. 1684. Broadsheet. Tx. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #898.
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