arl' clischari,:ing the public trust confided to us by the representath'es or the p1•opll'. ~ncl that our ~luties should be performed with that energy and prompti- tucll' _wluch the true interests of the country and the expectations or the people req111re at our hands; regardless of all other considerations:· Proceedings of the Genernl Council, 153. Fi le XI / 481.3 / 1145. Historical Archives of the Secretary of National Defense. BNM. Also Sanchez Lamego. The Siege & Taking of the.Alamo. 13-14. Ark1111sas Gazette (Little Rockl, Februarv 20, 1836. Army Papers. Tx. · United States and Mexico •.. (Wash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess.• H.E.D. 351. 11rni1. 167-68. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. Proceedings ofthe General Council, 164-65. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. lHexico-Texas-Canada ... (Wash.• 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess .. H.E.D. i4. 18381. I :3. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Governor and Co1mcil Papers. Printed form filled in with Wallace's name, rank. position. and size of force. The postscript is entirely in Fannin"s holograph. Copy in Biographical and Historical File. Tx. Yoakum. History of Texas. II. 455. Yoakum quotes only part of the letter. the original of which has not been found. History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of the Cities of /-1011ston and Galveston. 438. Wilson declined the appointment. but spent the winter and spring of 11136 in New Orleans raising men and supplies-Writings of llo11ston. I, 21. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. A, J. Houston Papers. Tx. Filizola, Correspondence of Santa Anna, 2i-29. MA Thesis. T:<U-B. Winfrey. fodian Papers of Texas, I, I I. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. United Sllltes and Mexico ... (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 351, 18381, 168-69. United States and Mexico ... (Wash., 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 351, 1838). 167. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. Army Papers. Tx. Part of the original. beginning midway through the next• to-last parnb,raph. is missing and is supplied from a copy in the State Depart· ment Record Books. Army Papers. Tx. State Department Record Books. Tx. Consultation Papers. Tx. D. C. Barrett Papers. TxU-A. The Murrell Gang or John A. Mur_n-11 had been broken up in 1834-35, but most members who escaped were hehe\'ed to ha\'e fled to Texas. Sec Phelan, History of Tennessee, 346-56, and Coates, The Outlaw Years, 169H. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Consultation Papers. Army Papers. Tx. Poe is George W. Poe, \1/allace is Bmjamin C. WnllaN', and Hanks is Wvatt Hunks. Copy in Sam H~uston Papers. TxU-.-\. Neil is J. C. Nt'ill. Tht• endorst'm<'nt was written in 1923 by Houston's son.
! i I I
I <,2:i. 1(126. 162,. 1(128. I <,2(). 1<1:rn. 1631. 1632. I <,;33_ 1634.
163,. 1,,:rn. lb3<J. 1640. 1<141. 1642. 1643. 1644. 1645. 1(146. 1<14,. 1(148. 1649. I <i.'>0. I <1:i I. l(,.=;2. 1(1.',3. I <i:i4. I <>:i :i. I <1:i6. 1<157.
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