1584. Not found. Mentioned in Smith to Barrett, Januarv 23. 1836. 1.,85. Oonl('stic Corr<>spondence. Tx. · 1.,86. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 158';'. Go\'<'rnor and Council Papers. Tx. 1588. Lamar Papers, I. 267-71.
1589. Thomas F. McKinney Papers. TxU-A. 1590. Winfrey. Indian Papers of Texas. l. 10. 1591. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association. IX. 169-72. I 5Q2. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1593. Republic of Texas. General File. TxU-A. 15Q4. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. _ 15()5. Comptrollers Letters. Tx. Childers is George C. Childress and Hill is H. K. W. Hill of Nashville. I 5<JlJ. Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Anna, 21-22. MA Thesis. TxU-B. Filizola states: "A carga 'is a corn measure in Castile. containing four bushels. In 1\lexico two ~acks. each containing two bushels. are placed one on each side of a pack animal. 1l1is makes up a carga. which may also be translated as a load... 1600. Proceedings of the General Council, J 42. 1601. Brown. Hi:Hory of Texas. l. 472-73. 1602. State Department Record Books. Tx. )(103. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1604. James Harper Starr Papers. TxU-A. Baker is Moseley Baker. 1596. A. J. Honston Papers. T:\. 159';'. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1598. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. I 610. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. The Council voted the same day that the governor "be requested to give said petitioners permission or orders to proceed to Copano to fortify and defend said place. until they receive further orders." 1611. James F. Perry Papers. TxU-A. 1612. Brown. History of Texas. 1, 466-68. 1613. DeWees. Letters from Texas, 153-59. The writer should be "W. B. De Wees." The letters from DeWees have apparently been considerably edited by Car- dello. 1614. Bro\\n. History of Texas, 1, 474-75. 1619. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1620. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. I 621. Writings ofSam Houston, I. 325. Wyatt is Peyton S. Wyatt and King is Amon R. King. 1622. Mexico-Texas-Canada ... (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 74, 1838), I 2-13. 1623. BrO\rn. Life of Henry Smith, 171-74. Brown omits some significant portions, particularly following the paragraph ending "which they dread." which actuallv reads: "which they dread; preferring darkness to light, because their deeds have been evil. These men have their unprincipled hirelings and satelites to operate, and endeavor to keep themselves behind the screen; they may not be generally known to your body. and as such, will no doubt, often attempt to practic<> fraud upon yon, by their insinuating approaches. Me, they seldom approach: they may overpower, but never can deceive. I consider that we 1605. W. B. Travis Papers. TxU-A. 1606. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 1(10';'. Army Papers. Tx. I 608. Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. Fisher is William S. Fisher. .1609. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 1615. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 16 I 6. Texas Almanac for 1860, 79. 161 :-. Lamar Papers, I, 272-73. 16I8. San Antonio Express, November 24, 1901.
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