continue beyond December lell me so, relying on me lo cease them, and return the moment I can be convinced that they will be fruitless. lf however I am limited in point of time, if you say that in December l must cease acting as the Representative of the U.States on this question, you shall be obeyed strictly, yet l shall not return as Mr. Forsyth says, on the contrary I shall remain and continue my efforts for a private association of Individuals. I have labored at this Negotiation too long, and have its success too deeply al heart, to omit struggling so long as there is a fair prospect of success, and as I am thoroughly persuaded, that I shall attain the object by being allowed a reasonable lime, my determination is to continue my exertions untill success crowns the effort, if not for my Government (which I greatly prefer doing) then for a Company already formed with the object of making the purchase, and who have solicited my aid to do so, not knowing that the Government is in pursuit of the same object. I keep them in suspense by saying that whenever a fair prospect is presented for commencing their operations I will inform them of it, and they may enter upon the subject. In this way the Association is kept in check by wailing on me for information, and I avoid a conflict of purchasers, secure the object for the U .States if possible, and in the event of failure, either for want of time allowed me, or for any other cause, the field will be open to private enterprise. Relying on hearing from you immediately in reply to this I remain Dear Sir very Respectful!_ Anthony Bulle This goes by private hand to our consul at Tampico or Matamoras Pray frank this letter to Mr. Livingston, and give it the proper address as I do not know what Post-Office in N. York to direct it to. [To Andrew Jackson] [13511 [NASHVILLE MEETING]
By the Chairman and Secretary, on behalf of a Meeting held in Nashville, on the 17th Nov. in favor of Texas, the proceedings of which we published yesterday. It is well known that the people of Texas are, at this time, engaged in a military conflict with the Mexican Government. But the causes which forced this contest upon them are not perhaps
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