Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


1442. J,M3.

Proceeding.~ of the General Council, 109. Army Papers. Tx. According to the journal of the General Council. everv man s_uggested h~· Baker except John Bird had been appointed the pm•io~ day. See Proceedings of the General Council, 99-100. Copy in possession of Victor Friedrichs, Austin, Texas. T. J. Husk Papers. TxU-A...United stas" and ..Constituanal rites"' are ··Unitrd States·· and '"Constitutional rights." Correspondence with the Government of Mexico . .. (Wash.. 24th Cong., 1st Sess.. 1-1.KD. 256. 18361, 12. · The TexHs Almanac for 1861. 54-55. Broadsheet. TxU-A. Streeter, A Bibliography of Tex&, #121. Consultation Papers. Tx. Brown. History of Texas, I. 417-21. The Courier (Natchezl. December 12, 1835. Memorials of George Fisher, 30-32. Filiwla. Correspondence of Santa Anna, 25. MA Thesis. TxU-8. Barker. The Austin Papers, III, 281-82. Memorials of George Fisher, 74-75. Mexia is Jose Antonio 1\-lcxia. Texian and Emigrant ·s Guide. January 2, 1836. Laredo Archives. St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas. United States and Mexico ... (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351. 18:38 I. 165-66. Brown, History of Texas, I. 445-46. State Department Record Books. Tx. Pedelton is probably Pendleton. Niles Register IBaltimorel, January 16. 1836. S011th11:estern Historical Quarterly, XIV. 318-19. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. Nl•w Orleans Bee, December 24, 1835. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. Sanders is Benjamin F. Saunders. Niles Register (Baltimore), January 30, 1836. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Govt'rnor and Council Papers. Tx. • United States and Mexico . . . (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 3;,l, 1838). 578-79. Consultation Papers. Tx. Endorsed: ..Letter from Chas Willson First Judge for Matagorda referred to D. C. Barrett Dec. 16. 1835." The next day Bamtt ro•portl'd: ··that the brevity, inconclusiveness and incoherl'ncy of Judge \\ il,-011·s lrtt,•r. prevents him from forming any condusions. other. than that ,-onw of the persons elected as officers in the 11m1y of Texas ha\·e saler and 1110n• profitable business than fighting; ... And also. that a wreck ~as tak,•11 plat·«>, which has caused great displeasure. But what has bl't'n wreckt'd. or \\ ho an• so 1-!rratly displeased by reason thereof, thl' Jmlg,• hns not statl'd .. . \onr 1·0111mit11•«> ... cmmot advise this body the natun• of the co1111s<'I. \\ h i1·f1 \\111.ld aid tlw J 111lge in his preSl'nt quandry:· Gammrl. la1t·5 of Texas. I. 1,7h. Burker, The Austin Papers, III. 282-84. Drown. lfotory of Texas. I, 422-24. _ United St1iles and l 1 t'lexico . .. (Wash., 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 3;,l, 18381. 169. Army Papers. Tx. U11ited St11tes and Mexico . .. (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351. I 8:rn1. 570-7 I. Proceedings of the General Council, 114.

1444. 1445.


1447. 1448. 1449. 1450. 1451. l•l52. 1453. 1454. 1455. 1456. 1457. 1458. 1459. 14<>0. 1461. 14h2. 14(,3. 14(14. 14h5. 1466. 1467. 1468. 1469. 1470.

1471. 1472. 1473. 1474. 1475 . 1476. 1477. 1478. 1479. 1480. 1481.


Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. Consultntion Papers. Tx.

New Orle11ns Bee. December 24, 1835. Barker. The Austin Paper$, III. 284-85. Proceedi11~s of the General Council. 118-19.


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