fifty dollars to he paid out of the contingent fund as an advance of my future pay for which sum I will account. In which I will in duty bound ever pray Your Obdt Servt J. H. Forsyth [Endorsed:] Capt. Forsythe's Petition Read & a draft ordered in his favor for $25. Jany 13th 1836." [1772) [SANTA ANNA lo FILISOLAJ
Army of Operations Excellent Senor:
Your Excellency will aid the garrison companies located in Monclova, even though they might not be of those that were in Bejar, from the 10,000 pesos that must be left over from General Cos' division, as this Commissary can not, at the present time, aid in any way. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 13, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Excellent Senor General of Division, Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. [1773) [SMITH to COUNCIL] To the Honorable President and members of the Council. Gentlemen:- On the ninth instant I notified your body that as the devisors of ways and means, I considered you had performed all the duties incumbent on you, contemplated by the organic law, and as such, I consider the country would be relieved from a heavy tax by your adjournment until the first of March. And if in the interim any emergency should render it necessary, that you could immediately be called by proclamation. On the tenth I received notice that I was removed from office. Nol by death, inability or other casualty, but for exercising too much capacity; and that by virtue of authority vested in your body; that you had installed a new Governor, and Executive Department of Texas.
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