i\lartha may the smile of heaven keep you as happy as possible Lill we meet. ~I. Autry. Tell Brothers J. & S. I have nol time lo wrile to them al present as Mr. Madding and Sevier by whom I send this can not wait. Tell Brother Jack to think of nothing but coming here with us; that if he knew as much about Lhis country as I already do he would not be kept from it. Tell him to sludy law as this will be the greatest country for that profession as soon as we have a government that ever was known. M.A. P.S. We stand guard of nights and night before last was mine to stand two hours during which the moon rose in all her mildness but splendor and majesty. With what pleasure did I contemplate thal lovely orb chiefly because I recollected how oflen you and I had taken pleasure in standing in the door and contemplating her together. Indeed I imagined that you might be looking at her at the same time. Farewell Dear Martha.
P.S. Col. Crockett has just joined our company.
[Addressed:) Mrs. Martha W. Autry
i\1 iddleburg Hardeman Cty. Tennessee
San Felipe 13 Jany 1836
To the Hon. Pres'd, & Members of the Genl. Council Gent.
From the necessity of the case, I have been compelled to use all my private stock of money which I intended for my individual expenses in order to promote & cherish the enlistment of Soldiers in the Legion of Cavalry in the payment of small Bills at boarding houses, Taverns & the like & believing I cannot be servisable without money, I would therefore solicit your hon. body if possibly within its power to allow me to draw on the treasurer for
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