Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

no doubt Texas will declare her Independence.

The company of volunteers who have just arrived, is commanded by a gentleman of high standing, who has long been a member of the Legislature of Alabama, has a considerable fortune, and a family residing in Courtland, Alabama. His officers, and part of his soldiers arc young men of fortune, who are desirous of signalizing themselves, and have volunlered in a good cause. - When such men come lo our aid, with heaven's blessing we are strong. There are, of course, many others of desperate character, who have all to gain, and nothing to lose. - Our standing army is recruiting fast. The present state of things reminds me of the history of our own country in its infancy; ..,.. the bustle of arms and soldiers, and the busy scenes that constantly present themselves. Our cause is in fact the same which induced our Fathers to take up arms against Great Britain. We have been deprived of the rights under which every man settled in the country, the laws of which were guarantied by the Mexican nation to emigrants. - When troops began to enter the borders of our peaceful and quiet country under false pretences, (while the inhabitants of Texas thought themselves safe from any invasion,) they, as true Americans, thought it time to demand their rights and pri,~leges at the point of the bayonet; as they have done of late most gloriously. The death of those 28 poor fellows who were shot at Tam pico, has created a most deadly and determined hatred towards the Mexicans, in the hearts of all Texians, and woe he to thos who enter her borders as enemies. It is supposed the other states of .Mexico, favorable to the Liberal constitution of 1824, seeing the success of Texas, will rise enmasse, and put Santa Anna down. His speedy dethronement is generally expected. [1770] [AUTRY to AUTRY]

Nacogdoches, Jany. 13th, 1836.

.\1y Dear Martha,

I have reached this point after many hardships and privations but thank God in most excellent health. The very great fatigue I have suffered has in a degree stifled reflection and has been an advanLage to me. I walked from N achitochcs whence I


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