Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Received New Orleans Jany 12th 1836 of S. F. Austin B. T. Archer & Wm. H. Wharton commissioners of Texas four thousand dollars ( 4000S) to be applied to the purchase of munitions of war, under the order of the Commander in Chief.

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John A. Wharton Adjutant General

[ 1769]


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Extract of a letter from a Gentleman residing al Matagorda, Texas, January 12, 1836, lo a correspondent' in Portsmouth. The report that St. Antonio with Gen. Cos and his army, consisting of 1300 men, has surrendered to the Texans, is correct; and after a solemn oath from both officers and soldiers, that they would not again take up arms against Texas, they were allowed to go home with a few arms, ammunition, and some stores sufficient to last ten days. . This shows the magnanimity and generosity of the Amer- icans. Our army consisted only of between 3 and 4 hundred men, and hy this conquest gained a strong fortress, and the only one of note on our borders. - A large quantity of stores, arms, ammunitions, horses and heavy artillery were taken. . Gen. Cos was severely wounded, and very many of his men killed, on our side Col. Milan was killed; and 6 others only, having from their favorable situation a good cover from the enemy. When Cos sent into our Camp his ,virile flag, our little army had hut one keg of powder, besides a few rounds in their pouches. There was a singular Providence in this, and it seems a proof that the arm of the Almighty had been stretched forth to give us the victory. We have now volunteers pouring in from all quarters, expecting another aUaek in the spring from Santa Anna, although many think he will not attempt it; but if he should, he will find 110 boy's play, as we can compcte with any force he will dare lo send from home; a counter revolution in Mexico, and a constant desertion of soldiers from his army, will prevent his srnding a large force. If Santa Anna knows what is for his good, he had l)('tfer let us enjoy the Constitution of 1824, unmolested, otherwise, I have

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