Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1766 J (SMITH to GRAY)

(Henry Smith, San Felipe, to F. C. Gray, Brazoria, January 12, 1836, stating in part: "The legislative council of Texas have passed a biIJ that J. W. Fannin, as the agent of the Government; giving him lutitredinarien powers, with the power ... to raise men, fit out expeditions ... at the expense, hazard, and on the credit of this Government. This authority has not been been sanctioned by my Department," and announcing that he had adjourned the Council on the 10th, subject to call, until March 1.] (1767] [VALLEJO to IVIONASTERIO] Department of Finance, Mexico, January 12, 1836. Sir: His excellency the President ad interim has been pleased to declare the ports of Galveston and Matagorda, in the Gulf of Mexico, closed to foreign commerce, as well as to vessels wishing to take in provisions (escala) or to pursue the coasting trade, conformably with the,. dispositions of the decree of February 22, 1832; which arrangement is to take effect thirty days after its publication in this city for all vessels proceeding from foreign ports in the Mexican Gulf, and ninety days from the same date for those coming from ports out of the said Gulf, for the whole of the period in which those places may be occupied by the rebels of Texas; it being understood that the duties which should have been paid to those custom-houses are to be paid according to the terms of the 3d and 4th articles of the said decree. All which I have now the honor to communicate for your information, and in order that you may be pleased to make it known to those whom it may affect. God and liberty.


To His Excellency the Secretary of Relations. A true copy: Mexico, January 14, 1836.

Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio.


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