Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

the Provisional Government, and will not recognize its Authority! the Committee as it is now constituted have taken matters in to their own hands, seized on tlw Public funds, and direct things at their pleasure and in opposition to the Council. I believe it is their intention if they can to have the Land offices Opened for the purpose of getting the money they may pay in, to be used by themselves in Disbursements as they will say for the use of the Volunteers- On the arrival of Dr. Stivers he communicated your wish that another Me_mber should be sent to the Council, in the place of Mr. Parker; I sent instantly for Mr. Whittaker informed him of the urgency of the case and he agreed to leave instantly for St Felipe but was taken very unwell in the act of Starting I am apprehensive he will be unable to undertake the Journey-Mr. Robbins I learn is also unwell and unable to travel, I trust in God you will be able to get a quorum for the transaction of business. On the arrival of the last mail I had the pleasure of receiving several letters from you, also some communications relative to my declining to act as a Commissioner on Land .!\falters from the Council I bow in submission to their will, and will act to the best of my ability in carrying into effect the been delaying here two or three clays, was exceedingly dissatisfied at not receiving any communication from the Council in relation to his numerous letters and immediately started for home Mr. Smith is also organic Law of the Provisional Government. Dr. Everett who had absent; I caused Mr. Hanks letter to be published in the paper here, which by the way the opponents of the Council have been endeavoring to control, and have threatened Lawhon with taking the Press from him. I am of opinion they cannot succeed. l\'lr. Lawhon pledges himself to conduct the Paper properly and in support of the Council. Jany. 15. by the return of Mr. John Henrie I was highly gratifyd to learn of the discomfiture of the Mexican faction at St Felipe. their plan was a deep laid one, and had very extensive ramnificalions. tlwy will continue to struggle for the ascendancy and will practice and resort to every und~e means to effect it but they must fail, and Texas will be free and Independent, the firmness, decision and energy of the Statesmen now al the helm will under the guidance of Providence accomplish it. I was truly gratifyed to of Gl'nl. Houstons departure for the army. it will havr. an excellent effect I

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