unless the provisional government of Texas do speedily send us assistance we will abandon the place, we have sent and made known our situation to them, and as the safety of Texas depends mostly upon Lhe keeping of this place they certainly will as soon as possible do some thing for us especially when we expect lo declare independence as soon as the convention meets. Those of us here has already declared it with a recommendation to the convention of Declaring il but this place is so far in the interior that it takes some lime for news to go and supplies to come. The Savage Camancha Indians is near al hand we expect soon to have a fight with them. Since I commenced writing this letter I have received an order lo prepare and I have run over it quicker than I would have done as a friend of mine Wm. Guile is going to the States and I thought it a good oportunily as he will put it in the Philadelphia post office and you I think will get it. I cannot close without saying something about my invincibles, as I call them, about twenty of my company (although the whole has been tried and I know them all) that will (lo use their words) wade through h-11, when I am al their head if I should give the order-O sister could you but sec me al the head of those brave men marching forward (undismayed) lo perform their duty. To. relate circumstances of their bravery it would fill a large book. When the enemy ten lo one has marched up as if they in one minute would send us all to eternity to see the invincibles rush forward charge upon them and put them to flight except those we would either kill or take prisoners. We have had many such scirmishes since we left home. a circumstance occurred the other day which I must relate, a man for disobedience of orders and bad conduct was ordered to arrested (he was not under my command) The officer who received this order look a file of men and attempted lo arrest him-he rcsisl<!d and swore with pistols in his hands that he would shoot down the first man that attempted his arrest, the officer retreated without him the Colo immediately sent an order to me informing me of lhc circumstance and requesting me to take a file of my i1Lvi1Lcibles and Liri11g the culprit to trial. I ordered three of the brave lo prepare immediately I buckled on my sword and went lo him he was then with two more who also swore he should not he taken, I approached him with my men he told me if I came one step further he would certainly
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