Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

only . some corn that we grind ourselves & poor beef this consht~tes our dayly food, but we hourly expect supplies news has arrived that there is plenty of provisions & money and clothes on the way. I hope it's true. I have strayed a Iitlle from the subject. when volunteers were called for they were to form into companies and elect their officers-fifty six brave souls joined into a company of artillery and chose me for their Captain. I accepted the command and my dear sister is it possible that the once ignorant weak and fickle minded W. R. Carey should now be at the head of so many brave menas their leader-It is a fact and with his parental name. have I deserved this post of honor, its not for me to say, but the brave proclaimed it, The forces here is commanded by Lieut. Colo J. C. Neill who has his quarters in the Town which is called the left wing of the forces and your brother William has the command of the alamo which is called the right wing I am subject to the orders of Colo Neill but he thinks a great deal of my judgment and consults me about a number of the proceedings before he issues an order. Brothers & sister do not think that I am vain my friends here says I dont possess enough'of vanity for my own good, except when we go to fight the Enemy and then I think a small number of us can whip an army of Mexicans-I know one thing, I am deceived in myself. When I was in Natchitoches I wrote to you and slated I believe that soon I should look out for a companion. It would have happened this winter if the war had not commenced but fortunately it did. My selection was nothing to boast of she is tolerably ugly and tolerably poor and tolerably illiterate. but she is virlllous and a good housekeeper, but there is no prospect now, as I was conversing with a Mexican lady the other day she remarked that in time of peace the ladies would gladly embrace the offer or accept the hand of an officer, but in these war times they would too soon become a widow. She may be right but I dont think it, however I have too much else to think about now. as I have not been a graduate at West point, I must study military affairs now for I am rejoiced at the oportunity to do something for my8elf. The men in this place have sometimes been discouraged on account of the distressed situation we are in; for want of clothes and food. The Colo and myself has twice called a general parade and addressed them in such a manner that they would get satisficcd for a while, but we are now discouraged oursel\'CS, and

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