[.1349) [TURNER Lo DJMlTT]
SL Patricio 30th Novr 1835.
Capt. P. Dimill, My dear Sir,
I have a few moments ago taken some despatches from the Mexicans, which I have senl you conceiving Lhal they contained information of importance lo you. I think from Lhe information contained in them you will see Lhe necessity of your assistance here; we have neither men nor means Lo withstand any force Lhal may be senl against us, as the people are still divided. I therefore hope under these dislressTng circumstances you wiU send us some reinforcements with all possible despatch. The Comandanle of Le Panteclan has written a leller lo us disannulling the authorities to this place, elected since the Battle, & closed il by inviting us lo join his ranks & if we did not, Lhal the vengeance of the Mexican army will be poured upon us; bu l there is still a Remnant of palriols who wish lo support the Conslilulion, & would prefer death to slavery. Please give us all the news you can of the proceedings of Lhe army al Bexar, and elsewhere. Reports have come lo us yesterday Lhal a party of Americans & Mexicans joined are in Revueo in arms for the cause of liberty. Perh_aps you may have some information on this subject more correct than ours. Nothing more al present bul remain Yours &c Jno Turner God & Liberty. PS. Please nol to be mistaken in our situation, we have neither men nor bread, & no place lo procure some without il comes from your quarter; as there is none lo be had here al any pr_ice, and our men are loo few lo spare, to send in pursuit of il- y ours in haste J.T
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