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New Orleans, January 4, 1836. . Edward Hall, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he knows that the American schooner Ilrutus is now in this port, and is armed. She was advertised to go to Texas. In consequence of her being armed, witness shipped some goods on board. Witness does not know that Mr. Allen has any commission as captain of an armed vessel. Witness put on board of said vessel some provisions and arms as cargo, the arms consisting of four guns of six-pounder. He does not know that Mr. Allen has any intention lo cruise against Mexican vessels, nor that he has on board a11y marine or soldier in his service other than his crew. That he has seen the instructions given to Captain Hurd, who commands the said schooner, to proceed on his voyage quietly to Texas, as any merchant vessel. Witness has no knowledge how that vessel was employed heretofore. She was bought in this port by Mr. Allen. The passengers who are about to depart on board of lier told witness that they are going on board of that vessel on account of her being armed and abot to protect them. Witness says that some three weeks ago there was a rumor that that vessel was to be fitted out to go to sea to cruise against Mexican vessels. Cross-examination by Mr. Hunt. The general opinion among the merchants of this city is, that vessels going to Texas may experience some depredations on their passage, and it is on that account that vessels going to that place have taken arms on board. Edward Hall. Sworn to and subscribed before me, Gallien Preval, Judge.
New Orleans, January 5, 1836.
Thomas Toby, on his affirmation, deposes and says that he knows nothing about Lhe schooner Brutus being fitted out and armed in this port, nor of any vessel. He recollects the conversation which he had with Mr. Carter, in the district court of the United States, in which he spoke of armed vessels; but he did not al the Lime allude Lo any vessels of this port, nor Lo the Brutus-he meant a vessel fitted oul at Baltimore_, with the inlenl of going on the coast of Mexico to protect commerce. Thomas Toby. Affirmed and signed before me, Gallien Prcval, Judge.
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