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New Orleans, January 4, 1836.
R. M. Carter, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he has no positive information of the fitting out of the Brutus, except whal is hereafter staled. That, in common with others, he believed that expeditions have been filting out at this port of a hostile character to Mexico; that he believed, after reading the advertise- ment by certain merchants of New Orleans in regard to the object of the Brutus, that she was to be engaged in such an expedition; more especially believing that the expedition of General Mehia was openly fitted oul at the levee; that Mr. T. Toby informed deponent that vessels of war were fitting out at this port against Mexico; that, after hearing of the Brutus, he considered that she was one of the armed vessels alluded to by Mr. Toby; that having inquired what persons may give some positive information on this subject, deponent answers that he thinks that H. Lockett, A. Hodge, junior, and T. Toby, may be able lo give some positive testimony; that the conversation alluded to with Mr. Toby look place on the morning of the commencement of the trial of Captain Thompson, in the United States district court. Mr. Carter being asked what warlike preparations were making in sight of the custom-house, he says that he always thought that the arcade, and the vessel that General Mehia went away in, were in the sight of the custom-house; but he considers that this question has nothing to do with this case, and that if the Brutus was fitted out with hostile intent against Mexico, it was in the sight of the custom-house. Witness has no positive personal knowledge that the Brutus has been fitted out and armed against Mexico. Witness does nol know of what warlike preparations are spoken of in the Union of the 31st December last, under the editorial head. Witness docs not know of any respectable persons, except those already mentioned, who can give information about the Bmtus. Richard i\l. Carter. Sworn to and subscribed before me, Gallien Preval, Judg<'.
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