Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

New Orleans, January 4, 1836.

William Christy, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he knows nothing about Mr. Allen, except this: that about two weeks ago Mr. Allen came to his office, with some other gentlemen, and proposed to witness to sell him two tracts of land in Texas. That he, witness, and five or six other persons, bought the said tracts of land from Mr. Allen, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, for which sum they furnished their notes; that Mr. Allen put his price low for said land, because he wished, as he stated at the time, to purchase a vessel. He knows nothing about the schooner Brutus being armed, or having been purchased by Mr. Allen. WM. Christy. Sworn to and subscribed before me, Gallien Preval., Judge.

New Orleans, January 4, 1836.

John K. West, on his affirmation, declares and says that he knows nothing about the schooner, nor about Mr. Allen; that he is president of the State Insurance Company; that he was informed by Mr. Stockton, the inspector of said company, that said schooner was fitting out and arming on the other side of the river. He stated that the current rumor was, that she was arming for the purpose of cruising against Mexican vessels; that he wrote, himself, the letter or petition addressed to the district attorney of the United States, to recommend him to take the necessary steps to stop the armament in question. Witness requested the inspector of the State Insurance Company to try to find out some persons who could make an affidavit on that subject, but he could not find any witness. Knew that the district attorney could not act without an affidavit, and told so to several merchants with whom he conversed on that subject. Mr. Pechier, the partner of John A. Merle and Co., stated to witness that he knew of some persons who could give information; that Mr. Pechier told witness afterwards that he had asked the person in question to come out and make his affidavit, but that he declined doing it. John K. West. Affirmed and subscribed before me, Gallien Preval, Judge.


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