New Orleans, January 4, IB36.
John Martial Lapcyrc, being cl11ly sworn, says that he is one of the subscribers lo the petition or letter (of which the forcgoing is a copy) addressed lo lle:nry C:arlcton, Esq. as district attorney of the United Stales. lie: knows nothing about the facts contained in it; but having seen ii sigrwcl hy many respectable: cili:t.c!ns, and having reason lo bdicve that they knew the facts alleged in the petition, and, further, having a direct interest in the matter, these considerations induced him lo sign lhe said petition or letter.
ll li I ii Ir ii II " II I! II II !'. I' "
J.M. Lapeyre.
Sworn lo and subscribed Lefore me,
Gallien Prcval, J udgc.
New Orleans, January 4, 1836.
John Garnier, being duly sworn, says that he knows nothing from his personal knowledge of lhc schooner 13rulus, nor of Mr. Allen. He knows only by public report lhat the said schooner Brutus was filling oul in this port to go and cruise against Mexican vessels. John Garnier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, Gallien Preval, Judge. John A. Merle, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he knows nothing from his persorwl knowledge of the schooner Brutus, nor of Mr. Allen; h11L having heard by public report that that vessel was arming and filling out in !Iris port with the purpose of cruising against Mexican vcssds, and lwing m11ch interested in the commercial trade on lite coasl of ~kxico, he thought proper lo sign an address lo lhe district altorncy of lhc United Stall's, lo recommend him Lo Lake some measures on that subject. Ile docs 11ol know of any person who can allcsl the facts by personal knowledge. John A. Merle-. Sworn lo and subscribed before nw. Callic·n Prcval, J u1l~1'. New Orleans, January 4, 1836.
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