Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Received of Wm. H. Wharton, S.F. Austin and B.T. Archer commissioners for Texas, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars to be appropriated to repairing and filing out the national armed Schooner Liberty. New Orleans Jany. 12, 1836. Vouchers are to be furnished for the expenditure of this money.

F. Y. Alden Purser of Sehr. Liberty



The United States, versus A. C. Allen.

Information having been communicated to me by the collector of this port, that a certain American schooner, called the Brutus, has been fitted out in New Orleans, where she now is, and armed with intent to commit hostilities and cmise against Mexican vessels, will you have the goodness to issue subpoenas for the following witnesses, who have been indicated to me as having a knowledge of the necessary facts upon which proceedings can be had against Mr. Allen. Very respectfully, Henry Carleton. M. S. Cuculla, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he knows nothing about the schooner Brutus, except what he has seen in the public papers of this city, having been absent since the 24th of December last, on a voyage to Mobile and Pensacola. M. S. Cuculla. Sworn to and subscribed before me, Gallien Preval, Judge.


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