Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1757) [LESTER to BARRETT]

Labahia Crossing Colorado River Jany 11th 1836

Colo. Ba1Tett

It is my wi~h and de~ire of the people in this neighborhood to have a post office established at the Labahia Crossino-and the Colo.. John I-~. Moore be appointed postmaster. On which 0 subject I promised to mform you, that it may be attended to. Therefore, we wish you to attend to it, and have it arranged. In so doing you will very much Oblige yours respectfully J. S. Lester N. B. I have had but very little opportunity yet, of hearing an expression about the ensuing election; I am going lo start up to town tomorrow, or next day; and, so soon as I can hear what is going on, I will write to you how matters stands, and the different candidates. Andrew Rabb is a candidate.

J. s. L.

[Addressed:] Colo. D. C. Barrett San felipe De Austin Texas

(1758) [ROYALL, ET AL, to COUNCIL]

To the Honorable, the General Council for the Provisional Govern• men t of Texas: Your Special Committee to whom was referred the communication of Governor Smith, report, That they arc unable to express any other views to the House than indignation at language so repulsive to every moral feeling of an honorable man, and astonishment that this commun• ity could have been so miserably deceived in selecting for rl1e high office of Governor a man whose language and conduct prove his early habits of association to have hr.en vulgar and depraved, and his present disposition that of a disorganizcr and a tyrant: that they repel the infamous charges prcferrrd a~ainst the Council and

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