Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Besons 11th Jany 1836

My dear Friend.

I thank you a thousand times for yr. kind letters, and ten thousand times for my dear Cousins regards and kind prognostics in my favor. The bearer starts in a moment and the instant that I can r[eac]hthefronlicr I will write you about the subject ofSutler- Thus much-You may rely upon it that if you have a good station it is bery valuable and ought to be worth from $10. to 20.000$ per annum. So soon as I can get to some place where I can write, I will write to You and the Council on the subject of Hanks-But I do hereby do most solemnly revoke, the letter which I addressed to you in his behalf, as I do most seriously regard him, as the basest of all man mankind. I pray you to attend in most espescia[l] manner the appointment of my friend Major, Geo. W. Hockley as a Captain- also Bonnell make Wm. Blount Lieut of Calvary-Colonel Bonham, ought to be made a Major By all means. His influence in the army is great-more so than some who "would be Generals." You may rely upon my doing every thing for your information on the Subject of Sutler. And if I can serve you; I will only say command me! If Hanks hands you that letter retain it-I only; since I left San Felipe; have concluded, the extent of his Villany!!! I pray you to Salute my dear Cousin, with my love. Present me to my friends. write by every express. Send at least one every week.

Ever yrs. truly Sam Houston

Gov. J W Robinson [Addressed:] To

Gov. J. W. Robinson Texas


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