armie I hope I will Not Be Denyed Lhis favour and Juslcs LhaL I ask your aLLention and Compliance Lo this Requesl and favour will much obg your Freaiend
Jorge Anto Nixon
To His Excellency James W. Robinson Lieul Governor and ex oficio President of executive council of Texas al the Seat of Government
[1347) [PATRICK and PETTUS to PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENTJ Austin Nov. 30Lh 1835 lTo Lhe Hon. The Pres, and members of the prov. Govt. of Texas Genl. having just returned from the volunteer federal army of Texas Beseging Baxar we feel bound respectfully lo represent to you their condition and wants-On our arrival there we found much dissatisfaction and inquietude ·pervading the army but we feel happy in having to inform you of the good result produced by Lhe communications forwarded by your body through us to that army On the morning of the 24th lnsL. the army was drawn up when Col. Rusk_read to them the mosL important of the refered to documents-after which he delivered a short but palhetic & spirited address urging the importance of keeping up the siege at that place-Wm H. Jack succeeded him in an equaJly appropriate address, and proposed that all who felt determined to continue in Camps until Bexar was subdued, (and send their Horses home al? corn had become scarce) would make it Known at that Lime-When the Army was displayed from close Column and the. proposiLion made for Volunteers on the above named conditions-Not less than four hundred and fifty men stepped forward we assure you that we are of opinion that if their wants are supplied-no fears can be entertained of their abandoning the siege of Baxar In a few days and probably by this time their number is not less than five hundred When we left the camps provisions were scarce, and one of us was appointed Contractor for that army by Genl. Burrelson the Commander in Chief and sent on to procure and forward to them
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