Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[l 754] [WHITE and WHITE to SMITH]

Bangor Jan 10 1836 Mr. Henery Smith Sir to your Honor; we the subscribers who render our service to your state and country we solomnly vow that we will act the brav part of a soldier which you would require of us; we will try to get mo volunteers if neces.5ary of corse it will be if you except of us we hope you ,vill except of us as if doing a good caus for your countrey we solomnly vow that we ,vill fite or dye for you an countrcy & except of us as friends to it good caus? We ask no more then your fraying our expences on there and supling us with; War utencials and provisions we take youre 8the act that who ever volunteers there services in here presant struggle, and reciev them as citisens and reward them by donations in land

Yours most humble survants Augustus & Wiliam C White pleas to answer this ,vith despatch

[Addressed:] Mr. Henry Smith csq. Governor of Texas with despatch

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