Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

tyrants, and that European force is to suslain the diade.m on the head of the traitor Santa Anna. Not only Texas and Mexicans, but the genius of liberty, demands that every man do his duty to his country, and leave the consequences to God. Our first attack will be upon the enemy at Matamoros; our next, if Heaven decrees, wherever tyranny shall raise its malignant form. Between the 25th and 30th inst., it is expected the whole of the volunteer army of Texas will take up the line of march from San Patricio. F. W. Johnson. San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 10th, 1836. [1753] (SMITH to ROBINSON] To His Excellency, J. W. Robinson, President of _the Council. Dear Sir- I have recently received by ex press dispatches fro_m Bexar, and other places, containing information of a character which should be immediately laid before the Council. And being informed that you do not meet today, I must beg the favor of you to call a secret session of your body. I wish all the members of your body to be present, as immediate action will be necessary. You will please inform my Secretary at what hour you will meet, and I will send him with the dispatches. I will also make a communication to the House. You will please have read, the express correspondence first. You may perhaps consider my communica- tion severe. I wish you however to permit it to be read; I assure you it is necessary. I wish you to distinctly understand that I well know your situation, and that nothing therein contained is aimed at, or intended for you. I hope you will favor me by a compliance, as I deem it all important. Sunday, January 10th, 1836.

I am respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor


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