hope you will Loose no time in Placing at my disposal the Necessary means to accomplish that End- A. Huston Qr. M. Genral Texas Army To Gen S. F. Austin BT Archer Wm Wharton Commissioners List of Articles, to be purchased by Col A Huston in N. Orleans 8000lb. Lead 1000 Butcher Knives 1000 Tomahawks, well tempered with handles 100 Spanish Saddles (Opelusas) with red blankets 100 Pair Styrrups 100 pair Spurs 100 Sursingles 100 Bridles and Cabrases 10 Baggage Waggons with Geer for 60 Horses 150 Axes-150 Spades, 50 Mattocks 6 Sets Blacksmiths tools 1 Set of Gunsmiths Tools, with Anvils bellows and portable forge 3 Set of Carpenters tools for field Service 20 Steel Corn Mills a patent portable hand mill 1200 Blankets 3½ point French Coloured 200 pairs Brogans from No. 6 to 12 225 Coffee Pots- 5 Medicine Chests- 350 Bbls Flour
200 do prime Ship bread 20,000lb middling Bacon 50 Bbls Mess Pork (Inspected) 15,000lb Coffee 15,000lb Brown Sugar . 120 Galls French Brandy, (first quality) 120 Galls Port Wine-ditfo- 20 Bbls Cidar Vinegar 5 do Whiskey 5,000lb Bar Soap 5,000lb Sperm Candles 50 Bbls Peas or beans- 3,000lb Chewing Tobacco. (Kentucky)
_ The foregoing is a copy of the ~rllcles I am ordered to purchase Except the article of Flour that 1s only half the amount I am directed to purchase. A. Huston Qr M Genl
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