(1749) (DIMITT to SMITH]
Fort Goliad, Jan. 10th. 1836
To His Excellency Henry Smith Governor of Texas,
I have the honor to inform your Excellency, that our Cavallado was seized yesterday, by the order of Col. Grant, who had arrived a few days before from Bexar. · The Volunteers who were the first to open the war, who have taken this post and maintained it, and who were on the eve of being releived from garrison duty, are by this act left without the means of transportation to their homes. A part of the Troops stationed at this post, feeling unsafe in their present position, demanded that we should fall back on the Guadeloupe. This reasonable dread was not for their persons, but their property; not created by their enemies, but their allies. The vote has just been taken, and the Troops have decided that they will defend this post at all hazards, until they shall receive further orders from Head Quarters. I have the honor to be, with the highest respect Your Mo. Obd't Serv't
P. Dimit
[ Vicente Filisola to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, January 10, 1836, concerning operations against Texas.] (1751] (HUSTON to AUSTIN, ET AL] New Orleans Jan 10th 1836 In conformity with a special act of the Provisional Government of Texas I have been ordered to this place to Purchase such articles in the Qr .Masters Department as are necessary for the immediate sustainance and use of the army. I herewith transmit to you a Copy of the articles which I am ordered to purchase and with a high sense of the importance of that department of our armys being fully and amply supplied I
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