Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

cooperation of the liberal party. On_lhe other hand, m~11!ioning the federal constitution in that declaration has done us an IIIJUry in this country and would ruin us if _it were not confidently expected and believed that a new convention would soon meet, and made an absolute declaration. In expressing this opinion we arc influenced by the information now before us; and we do not in any manner blame the convention for making such declaration. All of us concurred in the propriety of it al that time and believed the convention had no power to make any other, in as much as a declaration of independence was not contemplated when they were elected. All we say is that a bolder declaration was expected here, and we have already ascertained since our arrival here that we would have been sustained in it with more sympathy, zeal, and efficiency. We hope to be at home in March, and can then give more specific information on the subject.

Respectufully your obt. serts S. F. Austin Wm. H. Wharton B. T. Archer



[Juan Cuevas <lei Doce lo Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, about January J 0, 1836, stating that Colonel Ricardo Dromundo will join Filisola at Candela. J


Dollars 50.00

Know all men by these presents, That Robt. Carlisle of the Mission of Refugio has hauled a load of supplies of subsistence for the~ Texian Army at San Antonio from this Fort, and is justly entitled to Fifty dollars

for the aforesaid service from the Texian

compensation Government. Fort of Goliad 10th Jany JU:36

P. Dimitt


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