Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

I have given Genl. Austi~ letters to you and several of my

friends in N. Y. He will be there m about 3 weeks.

I remain very respectfully Your obedient servant A. J. Yates



New Orleans Jany 10th 1836

Dear Friend,

We have placed Capt Jeremiah Brown in command of the

arm'd Schooner Liberty

His known experience as a seaman, his devotion to our cause;-and above all, his previous services, by the introduction of emigrants to the country;-recommend him, to our highest favour. Permit me to add, that every thing here promises well. Accept my best wishes, for yourself and our common country.

Your Friend and Svt. B. T. Archer Wm. H. Wharton S. F. Austin

To his Excellency, H. Smith.



New Orleans January 10, 1836

To his excey. Henry Smith Govr. of Texas


We have succeeded in effecting a loan in this city of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for Texas on the terms as contained in a copy of the contract herewith enclosed. Some of the best informed p~rsons of this place confidently assert that this loan insures the trmmph of our cause and the independence of Texas. T~at i~ New O_rleans, so near us, and so well acquainted with our s1tuat10n, confi?ence enough should exist • to 1·nduce a loan, speaks volumes m our favor and will aive m us h k . 1 . 1 . b confidence every where else. T e stoc m t us oan w11l soon be in


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