Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

ultimate mark for which we strive, and the prize for which we battle!!! There must be some well-fought fields before we are what we must and ought to be.-Free!! The sun of Austerlitz may shine on the arms of Texas. She never can be conquered by the Mexicans, if she warred alone, if we had the cash; but men and money both are best for us. We will soor. negotiate a loan and have money plenty. It is probable that San Antonio will soon fall; but if she does nol for the present, it is not important to Texas. The only reason it has not fallen, was the want of munitions of war-no cannon, and the men only went out to fight and to return lo their homes in ten days; they have been out for months, and many of them half clad, having taken only one suit of clothes. No men are more patriotic or brave on God's earth, than what the boys of Texas are. They want only discipline and munitions to do anything. I have recommended the gentlemen lo take the oath of fealty lo Texas before leaving here. They go with my best wishes in hopes to see them in spring with hundreds at their backs. My health is good again. Sam Houston A. Hitchinson, Esq.

[1346] [NIXON to ROBINSON]

Nacogdoches November 30. 1835

Dear Sir

at this time theare seemes to Be Grate Excitement a maung the Pepal as Relates lo taking Poshion of all Publeck Papers-and Stooping the Land offices I will make No Remarks Belcving the Counce! will Do all for the Bast and as you have the Resolutions of the Pepal sent you that is all I will Remind you of fu Hey Beleveing in your Good Judgement But Sir I have a favour to ask of you wich is this I have a Dauter that I have Not seen for seven years-She is Betwene 14 and 15 years of age and I as a father am morer than Desirous to sec her and as the River is up and sleeme Boats is Runing and as I am informed that Business will Be Stooped untill march Next I think I Could Be ahsent for 2 or 3 mont I have Done all I Could for the Case Bouth with my money and my Littel influance and I find maney Persons ohtaning absance from the

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