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New Orleans Jany 9th 1836
Dr Sir
I arrived at this place the 3d inst & found Genl Austin, Doctor Archer and Mr. Wharton, Commissioners from Texas, had arrived the day previous. The surrender of Cos at San Antonio with 1200 troops, has given spirit lo the people of Texas, he surrendered lo 300 men under Colonel Johnson after 6 days hard fighting & when the Texas troops were absolutely reduced lo the _las( Keg ofpowder,·Col. Milam and two soldiers were killed on the part of the Texans & 120 men are supposed to have been killed on the part of the Mexicans. Cos had raised the black flag and had determined to give no quarter and when he capitulated, the victorious troops in their extremity were forced to liberate him & all his officers, on parol not to resume arms against Texas. San Antonio is now occupied by Col Johnson & his victorious troops; Bowie has marched on Matamoras with 300 men; fortifications are being erected along the coast, and 5 vessels have been chartered here within the past two days to cruise along our coast & one already has gone out. The commissioners have negotiated a loan of $200,000.00 here & will increase it to one million doUars at the North, they have represented to the Government the necessity of immediately declaring Texas independent without specifying boundary limits and putting the Government lands at a minimum price of $1 per acre. Government has established a Tariff of 15 percent ad valorem on all goods and merchandise except provisions & the family stores of emigrants, and $1.25 per ton on all vessels of more than 10 tons burthen. They offer volunteers in the Army for 2 yrs service, 640 acres land bounty & the pay & rations of U.S. troops & large numbers are continually flocking in. Texas will have an army of 5000 men in less than 90 days. There is a very excellent spirit in favor of Texas here, they have had an overflowing benefit al the Camp St. Theatre last night, at which the "Fall of San Antonio" was prcsentr.d wdl gotlen up.
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