detect the scoundrels. The complaint; contraction of the eyes; the gape of the mouth; the vacant _stare; the hun~ head; the restless fidgety disposition; the sneaking sycophantic look; a natural meanness of countenance; an unguarded shrug of the shoulders; a sympathetic tickling and contraction _of the mu~ccles of the neck anticipating the rope; a restless uneasmess to adjourn, dreading to face the storm themselves have raised. Let the honest and indignant part of your Council drive the wolves out of the fold; for by low intrigue and management they have been imposed upon, and duped into gross error and palpable absurdities. Some of them· have been thrown out of folds equally sacred, and should be denied the society of civilized man. They are paricides piercing their devoted country, already bleeding at every pore. But thanks be to my God, there is balm in Texas and a physician near. Our agents have gone abroad; our army has been organized.·Our general is in the field. A convention has been called which will afford a sovereign remedy to the vile machinations of a caucussing, intriguing and corrupt Council. I now tell you that the course here pointed out, shall be rigidly and strictly pursued, and that unless your body will make the necessary acknowledgment to the world, of your error, and forthwith p_roceed, and with the same facility and publicity, (by issuing a ~1rcular,) and furnishing expresses to give circulation and publicity, m a manner calculated to counteract its baleful effects, that after twelve o'clock to-morrow all communications between the two departments shall cease; and your body will stand adjourned until the first of March next, unless from the emergencies of the country you should be convened by proclamation at an earlier period. I consider as the devisers of ways and means, you have done all contemplated by the organic law. That your services are now no longer needed, until the convention meets; I will continue to discharge my duties as Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, and see that the laws are executed. The foregoing you will receive as a notice from my department, which will . be rigi_dly carrie~ into effect. You are further notified that audience will not be given to any member or special committee other than in writing. I will immediately proceed to publish all the correspondence had be_tween the two departments h roclamation to the world, and as~1gn the r_easons why I have p~rfued this course, and the causes which have 1mpelled me to do it.
I am gentlemen your ob't servant Henry Smith, Governor'
January 9, 1836
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