i~entify his person & his fortune with those of Texas- C1rc_umstances hitherto_ have n~t only induced but justified the closmg of the land offices but masmuch as those causes since the fall of Bexar have ceased, I cannot but believe that the necessity and good policy for longer keeping them closed has also ceased..:.. That a very large portion of this colony are anxious to have the office opened I confidently assert-and I hope your body will see the necessity of it & act accordingly Should the land office be reopened I not only should be pl~ased, but as the agent of Austin & Williams would request that it might only be opened so far as to recieve colonists and that locations of large claims might be prohibited In conclusion Gentlemen let me say that the opening of the land office would inspire confidence in the people, would identify the interests of hundreds with Texas and would not be doina • • . t, lllJUSt1ce to any one-And with the hope that the matter will be so viewed by your Honorable body
I am Respectfully Yours &e Spencer H Jack
To Thomas Jefferson Chambers, Esq'r.
In the name of the people of Texas, free and sovereign: We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriot- ism, valour, conduct and fidelity, and in fulfilment of an ordinance and decree of the provisional government, dated the 9th day of January inst., to raise a division of volunteers, to be called the Army of Reserve for the protection of the Liberty of Texas-do, by these presents, constitute and appoint you General of said division; and you are hereby commissioned and authorised to raise, organise, arm, equip, provision, and command the above named army; and the public faith is hereby pledged for the payment-of whatever sums of money which you may furnish, and for the performance of all contracts and stipulations which you may make by virtue of this authority. And we do enjoin you and require you to regulate your conduct, in every respect, by the laws, rules, regulation and discipline adopted and prescribed by the government of Texas for her armies. And we do also charge and require all officers and
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